Facebook Facts

     What more can be said about Facebook, other than 'It's Huge".  At this writing I'm not sure how many people have joined it.  Facebook changed the way things were done on the Internet in a huge way. Everything else pales in comparison at this point.

What Is It?

     It's the number one social network as of this writing. Everybody is on it, including your grandmother. People go there to exchange information about people, places, and products.

At one point there wasn't as many pictures of cats and hot dogs as there is now.  It was useful and engaging.  Some people thing it's lost it's appeal and won't make a comeback. They Would Be Wrong. It's here to stay.  It will just be 'different' than it is now. 

What Does Facebook Do For You

     It gets you the largest audience. Think of it as Brad Pitt vs Mickey Rourke. It's not that Mickey is bad. He just doesn't bring the crowd that Brad does.  
     It's almost safe to say that everybody you know is on Facebook.  However, it is not safe to say that they all use it. The average male user only has 138 friends.  He wants to talk to the people he knows, and he wants to talk about the things he wants to talk about. And he wants to do it in private most of the time. So, he has to find a group or a page that has stuff that he 'likes' and hope it's not a real 'public' one. 

Fine...What Else

     Because of it's larger audience, you can create a bigger fan base quicker on Facebook than on any other network.  That may change over time, but as of today... it's a fact. 
     Facebook does have some privacy issues, but many of those are user issues.  You can have private, closed groups in Facebook.  They aren't as private as this author would like them to be.   
     You can purchase advertising on Facebook.  You can get in front of a 'sort of - kind of' niche audience. You can get a lot of 'lookers' on Facebook.  
     They are integrated with A LOT.  Just about every application has a hook into Facebook.  That's not necessarily a good thing, but it does mean you can login to some applications using your Facebook account. I would be careful doing this though. 

What About The Social Stuff

     I'm going to just say that they are at the top of the mountain currently. Period.  They do that well. 

What Do You Go From Here

     If you want to create a Facebook account, just go to Facebook.com and create one.  If you want to connect to me on Facebook go here. If you want to connect to my business page on Facebook go here. If you want to see some of my articles concerning Facebook go here
     I look forward to hearing from you!
