BMTC JukeBox - Session One

I'm one of the graduates of Chris Brogan's Blog Master Topics Class.  You can find out more about the class here.  It's a good class with a great group of people. The age range is anywhere from Twenty-something to one really old, really cranky...curmudgeon. Saturday Nights they have what they call "BMTC JukeBox".  Because of the geographical, age, and other differences...the music is pretty much all over the road and is never boring.
Sometime ago I decided to save the playlist and share it to the members once it hit 100 videos. It's taken some time, but that just happened tonight.   The embedded playlist is below, or you can go to the link to download, listen, or enjoy in any way that you want. Here's the link  So, fellow classmates.. I hope you enjoy.

Why Is This Here?

It's here because it's a "Good Thing".  It's fun. It was something that everyone in the class helped create..  It's one of the things I'm talking about on this site when I refer to "Leave Something Good" if for no other reason that it makes you feel good too.  And this does. 
