How To Use Facebook "As" Your Page

Facebook Page - How To Use Yours

First of all this question will only apply to you if you have a Facebook account AND are an administrator of Facebook Page or Group. But you may want to read this or watch the video anyway. When I figured the out, it made my life easier in many ways. Mainly because it gave me the ability to do something 'as' a page, rather than show my personal stuff on every post.

Why Is This Important?  As you'll see in the video, I manage more than one page and group. I'm not active in all of them, but I do participate in all of them. I usually 'participate' as the page though, and not me. Doing that keeps the post from showing up in all my friends' news feeds. It only shows up on those that 'like' or 'follow' that page. The result is that I don't bombard friends with things they aren't interested in.

Examples Of This

Some of you know me as Stan. Others know me as Stan-Inc. But not many of you know me as Northside Eagles. Even fewer know me as Phillips Furniture or Georgia Cooling. In all, there are over 40 different pages and groups that I 'act as' on Facebook. There are none that I am embarrassed by. I just prefer not to bother people with things they aren't interested in.

How Is This Done 

Log in to Facebook. Click on the gear thing on the top right. It's the one you use for settings. IF you are an administrator, you'll have a little drop down menu that says 'Use Facebook As". This will give you a list of the different entities you can use. It's probably easier to just show you.

 Here's The Video.

Maybe it's not the best video on YouTube, but I hope it explains the process here and gives you ideas on how you can use Facebook to promote your business.  It's not all about Cats and what you're having for lunch! 

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