Speaking Services

Stan Bush - Speaking Services

World Wide Availability 

I have been speaking at 1 or 2 conferences/seminars a year for over 10 years.   An accomplished speaker, I am never described as laid back or boring. If you have a speaking opportunity feel free to contact me.

My Topics

I cover a wide range of topics with ease.  I am comfortable with technical discussions concerning processes, software integration, and most of the social applications worth mentioning. Google+ for personal and business use, marketing and community building are just a few I'm qualified to talk about. If you want to get an idea of possible topics, check my site for content.  In the very near future, you will see downloadable e-books as well as white papers I have either written, or co-authored.  Should we agree on a speaking arrangement, all hotel and travel expenses are covered by you.  Pricing is determined by the event and how other speakers are being compensated. If you have other speakers waiving their fees, it is possible that I will do the same.