It's Time. No More Waiting.

Time To Do This

I run my mouth, a lot. Some of that talk is about things that are unimportant and somewhat trivial. At other times I don't think the importance of it is emphasized enough by me. For example the concept of sustainable technology and application integration.

This... AGAIN?

If you read any of my stuff then you are aware I'm not talking about the plight of the yellow beaked green toed North American Snipe Cricket, or being able to 'Like Me on Facebook.  I'm talking about the ability to get to my stuff independent of the device, OS, or application....when it counts. And it always counts.

A Digital MacGyver

When I want to do something, I just want to do it. I don't want anything to stop me. I don't want my laptop or phone battery dying to stop me. It may not be important to everyone right now, but it will be. If you think I'm talking about being able to post a blog article, then think again. But if you think it's possible to send a message to emergency response teams using some gum, a gem clip, a hashtag and a hairpin, then we are kindred spirits.  That's why integration and ubiquity is the thing that guides my decision making process these days. It's also why I use Google so heavily. My plans are to begin using this site to provide some examples of how that integration works.

What Does That Mean?

It means that I'm going to use this site to demonstrate these principles of integrated sustainable technology. I'm going to focus on providing examples and tutorials of how deeply the integration goes, and how you can use it in your environment. In other words, I'm going to focus on my personal mission statement:
"My mission is to educate, motivate and communicate with my family, friends, and followers on how to use technology to enhance their personal and business lives."
That mission statement is over 20 years old. I got side tracked from doing what I was put here to do, and it's simply time to get back to it.

What You Can Expect

You'll never going to come here and see a finished site. What you'll find is a mixture of technology, ideas, and experiments. If you're going to try and follow what's going on, then here is the best advice I can give you.  
  • When you are looking for something, use the 'search' feature for a keyword. 
  • You may be able to find things by thinking about "Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why" methods.  In other words if you're trying to figure out 'How Do I Post Pictures" then go to the "How" menu. But if you want to know "Why I Used Picasso" then go to the "Why" menu.  Beneath those menus, you'll see other ways to navigate to what you're looking for. 
  • Expect some 'aha' moments as some things are implemented. It's not that easy to tell someone about EXID tags, Google Local, Sites, Translate, G+ Communities, Panda and why Google Shopper is going to be important to you in one breath. I can't get my own head around it most of the time, much less explain it. 
  • You'll also find some of the things that +martin shervington+Ronnie Bincer and their +PlusYourBusiness G+ Community teach.   
  • The Blogging Discipline comes from +Chris Brogan and his Blog Topics Master Class (affiliate link).  No more waiting until everything is in place. It's time to get it done. 

What Not To Expect

  • This won't be the prettiest site on the Internet.  That's for guys like +David Kutcher ( +Blogger Xpertise ) , +Spice Up Your Blog (+Paul Crowe), +Bloggermint+Amanda Kennedy  and other developers who have put considerable effort towards that end. I will be using the templates, tools, and applications provided by Google and customizing those...whereas those guys are professional developers. 
  • This also won't be the stop over for all things technical. There are places like +Southern Speakers+Blogger Sentral , and +BloggerPlugins for that kind of stuff.  Yes, I will be sharing and talking a bit about that stuff, but I wouldn't say it's my forte. 
  • I'm positive you won't find very much out of the Google Sphere here. There are reasons for that. If you want to know what they are just ask. 

What's Next?

Basically, I'm just going to get started implementing things on the site that support my mission statement.  The site is built on Blogger and uses the other Google products as a publishing platform. I do use a graphics program from time to time, but have found that Picasa is quickly replacing that. I'll document as much as I can. If you have a question about something, don't hesitate to ask me
I appreciate you taking the time to read this. Now.. 
Let's Do This Thing! 
