Stuff I've Done

Stan Bush - Some Stuff I've Done
Life comes with ups and downs. That's just part of what life is. Just because you're down today doesn't mean you're going to stay that way. And just because you're on a mountaintop, don't think you can't be knocked off. I've done both. I've had a good life. I can't complain so far. 

Some Stuff I've Done

In Chronological Order, I offer this as a list of my experience.   I've covered a lot of territory, and have been considered successful at all of them.
  • Stock boy - retail parts store from the time I could reach the shelves until 8th grade. 
  • Newspaper Carrier - 5th grade through High School
  • Retail Shoe Store = Top sales producer - 10th grade through High School
  • Retail Shoe Store Manager -  1974-76
  • Retail Shoe Store Chain Assistan General Manager (42 in my division, 128 stores total) 1976 - 1982
  • Was Part of Team that created an ad that won a National Addy
  • Created a follow up system that grew stores from 14 stores to 42
  • Automotive Sales - Top Producer - Average Month 32 cars - Best Month 56 Cars
  • Automotive F&I Manager - became top F&I manager in GMAC territory
  • Automotive Used Car Manager - Never failed to meet quota in dollars or units.
  • Automotive General Manager - Highly recruited when I decided to leave the business. 
  • Fairs and Festivals Specialty Food Vendor - Using computer skills in 1984 to create a database and mailing list to contact all Fairs in Georgia.  Since this was a novel idea, we quickly became THE vendor in our specialty arena of: 
  • Shaved Ice (think... no one was doing this in 1984 in Georgia)
  • Smoothies - (see above) 
  • Fresh Squeezed Lemonade
  • Steak in a Sack - (Pita Bread Sandwiches)
  • Retail Gift Shop - Created a niche for 7 stores in 2 states, in less than 3 years.  I did my own payroll, sales and inventory management, and marketing.   I sold the stores to focus on Information Technology.
  • Radio Station Sales: after 3 months I was recruited to run a station losing 30K a month.  After 6 months we turned a profit and the station was sold. 
  • Author : 3 years in a Gannett environment, writing a computer help Question and Answer section.  
  • This experience led me to seek and attain certifications with : Microsoft, Linux, Networking, Cisco, Wireless Technologies,  A+, Usability Analysis, .Asp, IIS, Apache, Macromedia, .php, and a plethora of others. My latest technologies include HootSuite, Google Apps, SEO, Twitter, FourSquare, and a few others.
  • Self Employed Web based provider of: hosting, development, seo, forums, wikis, and social integration of platforms.
  • I worked to increase my writing skills again via Chris Brogan's Blog Master Class 
  • Other things I consider noteworthy:
  • I have been married for 30 years.  I know how to listen.
  • I have four kids.  Two have graduated from college, one manages a business, and the other is still in high school.  I know how to lead. 
  • I successfully lost weight, controlled blood sugar, and had a diagnosis of Diabetes reversed.  I know how to commit. 
  • At 57 I just ran my first half marathon.  My first full marathon is scheduled for November. I know how to implement a plan.
