Magic Minutes from Google Hangouts Nov 11-17, 2013

Last week's Hangouts again offered some mighty fine hangouts. The amount of information flowing through them is impossible to keep up with. But rolling over the image on the bottom half of this post will show you the ones that I thought were excellent examples of what's offered here. So relax, sit back...and get some knowledge laid on you in about 5 minutes. (But I can't stop you from watching more than that!)

All This Wonderfulness In Five Minutes!

The first two feature Jason T Wiser, who is not only one of the best "down to earth, let's get with it, no spam allowed" interviewers, but he also hits the notes when sitting on the other side of the desk. As an interviewer he gets Mark Traphagan to tell you what you SHOULD be looking at for future success locally. And as a guest on David Leopold' show, Jason fields a question about Snake Oil Salesmen and winds up answering a question about 'Is this really that easy?"

Steven Incontrera discussing the best recovery methods and times concerning head injuries like concussions and gets some spot on information from one of his guests.
Jessica Northey - Mia Voss - Chef Dennis Littley - Christine DeGraff  are discussing how to make your dreams a reality and Jessica talks about how reducing it to writing has positive effects and the value of having a goal
Laurie Rudiman - Lars Schmidt are talking about Movember, but there is really a great tip about the REAL ways people get jobs, business, and build relationships.

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