Magic Moments From Google Hangouts - Week 3

As Good As It Gets

Nobody said it was going to be easy.  But nobody said it was going to be this much fun either. I’m a sponge. I like learning. I always have, and always will.  That’s why I never took a book home after the 4th grade. They didn’t have anything at all that even remotely demanded my attention, or even more importantly...captured my imagination. Still, I managed to win the Most Intellectual Award in the 7th grade, made decent grades in later classes, and eventually graduate from high school.  I didn't go to college for a lot of reasons. But I never quit reading and learning.  That's what these hangouts provide me. The material is endless.

What's In This Week's Minutes? 

This week covers a myriad of topics.  As always there are plenty of 'Health, Wealth, and Happiness' hangouts. Although all the highlights aren't cued up for in the image to the left, I will post them for you 'below the fold' of this article. There is great material in all of them. I've selected my favorites.

How Do You View Them?

Roll your mouse over the image to the left.  You should see little red arrows. Clicking on the arrow will bring up that video. Although it should work on mobile devices, they are usually too small to be able to enjoy the videos.  So I have added the links to the videos and the notes that I took on them.  I've also included links to the people in the videos. If you like what you hear from them, you should add them to your circles.

Nov 18 - 22, 2013

The notes below are just that. Notes on the shows that are in this weeks' minutes. 

Social Media Power Chat - The Healthy Version!

Just in time for the Eating Season - Thanksgiving!!
+Mia Voss - +Jean Layton - +Lori Shemek +Susan Irby -  +Bob Choat +Yoriko Todd
AND A BLENDER… and a tip you’ll go BANANAS over

15Minutes Featuring Katherine Kotaw w/ Christine & Mia
sponsored by Holiday Inn Washington DC-Central/White House co anchor +Craig Fifield

  •  “I am a writer” 12:40
  • A Great Danger 17:53
  • Only in a trailer park? 19:29
  • Outside of marriage - 21:39 

Mind, Money and Marketing #7

+Jo Barnes interviews +Ronnie Bincer -
There are so many notes in this interview, I chose to just keyword them and mark them for you!

Rocking Google Plus II With Martin Shervington

  • Martin’s introduction about ‘not talking about yourself” is primo stuff. 
  • Nobody likes a lonely post 17:00 approx
  • The Truth about Big Numbers 1:03:59 -

The role of Google+ in Social Media Marketing,

Chris Brogan Quotes Rand Fishkin in this private video. It's one of the most important things you'll ever hear about Google Plus. Contact Martin to find out how to access it!

Reinvent Longpath Thinking

+Peter Leyden

The Wojdylo Show

One of the things that was interesting about +Jesse Wojdylo  is the way he just put something that he wants to see come to fruition, which is the desire to have Lauren Sutton co host with him.
Everybody has their own issues BUT those that make fun of you … well.. 

NEW Google+ HOA feature: YouTube annotation for Q&A App

Paulino answers a question by an attendee that shows exactly why he will develop into a great host, if he should choose too. His personality is fantastic.

MindSet Your Markething # 6

+Billy Funk Shannon Young, Lany Sullivan
This is part of a series. They have a series that tell you the Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why. So this one is about “When” Fired Up, Fireless, Free.

Mindset Motivation # 14 -

I was doing his series, however when I realized it wasn’t a hangout I had to rule it out. The only things that I can do here are hangouts. There are plenty of good motivational videos. I knew that
Billy was a motivating person, so I searched Billy Funk - Hangouts and found this one.

The number one thing is to believe in yourself first The three p’s of success. Don’t get depressed. It’s ok to go get funked up with the three p’s.

GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP WEEK -"Dreaming With Entrepeneurs"--

+David F Leopold  +Barbara Weltman

If you are the brand, you have a business that’s unsellable

If you have any suggestions for Hangouts that I need to review, please just ping me to the hangout, and I'll make time to watch it.
