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The #31People Project Bring You #31Weeks ! - Meet +Rick Eliason
The 31People project that +Christine DeGraff started in December has morphed and for the next #31Weeks the 31People will be introducing you to more great#GooglePlus users that you really should get to know, out little way of saying thanks and paying it forward
First up is my pick of Rick Eliason. Our paths crossed a few months back when+Mark Traphagen shared Rick's post about how he gained 250 followers -http://www.rickeliason.com/250-google-followers/ - and from reading that post I knew there was something about Rick that was different. Often times there can be a lot of noise on social media but Rick can cut through it.
Rick introduces himself on G+:
Search Engine Optimisation ( #SEO ) and #onlinemarketing in general takes up a huge part of my waking life as the lead consultant for Reload Digital and in my spare time as a freelancer. Google is my church.
Rick also says that he is
Addicted to Digital Marketing, Google+ & Snowboarding! - now, whilst I'm not a snowboarder I can relate to the rest of his addictions..
You might have also seen Rick's series of 50 Things to Do on #GooglePlus http://www.rickeliason.com/things-to-do-on-google-plus/ which is not only a very well thought out compilation of tips but also an innovative use of Google Plus. Had you seen embeds being used like that before? I hadn't..
All in all I've been a fan of what Rick has been putting out on Google Plus and think you will be too, his content is informative and useful and he doesn't drop the ball on engaging either - make sure you check him out below and circle him now.
You can track Rick down on:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rickeliason
Website: http://www.rickeliason.com
GooglePlus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+RickEliason
The #31Weeks project will have a new pick next week which will be shared by+Tina Willis, make sure you don't miss her choice.
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