Functionality Not Enabled Message - SOLVED!

Fundtionality Not Enables

Team Email As A Strategy

Ubiquitous connectivity has created many opportunities. Especially when it involves collaboration. Teams are constantly being created to discover, develop, and deploy global solutions. Team members need to communicate internally and with external sources. Email is an integral part of most communication plans. Receiving email from can affect the way the whole team is viewed. Email addresses with the same domain name can help establish credibility. Addresses are easy to create and very inexpensive. Most email administrators can create an address in less than a minute. So what’s the best way to handle this new address, if you are the user?

To Forward Or Not To Forward

An easy solution is to forward the new email address to your own account. This allows you to check all your email in one place. It’s very convenient, and saves time. For example, I have an email address of ‘ and ‘”. Rather than checking both accounts, I set up to autoforward to So all of my email comes to the address. I can receive email both addresses from one account. However, unless set up properly, all email that I reply to or send, will appear to come from

Why The "Reply As" Function Makes Sense

The solution in Gmail and Google Apps is to use the ‘reply as’ function. When selected, this will automatically fill in my ‘reply to’ address as the account I’m sending from. There is a setting for that in Google Apps email. So now, when I reply to an email sent to , the receiver gets an email from that address, and not my address. This works even if there are more than two email addresses. It may seem confusing, but once you get it setup, it makes things much easier. Everything is handled for me, without me having to lift a finger. It works most of the time. However there are scenarios where it won’t work. For example, if both domains are using Google Apps

Function Not Enabled Is NOT An Error Message

When the email address you are 'replying as' is another Google Apps account, you may get an error message. Especially if domain restrictions are used. This is by design, and not an error message because something is broken. I personally needed an answer to this, so one day i sat down and committed to getting it done. The solution was to Allow Per User OutBound Gateways in the administrative console. And this video shows you how that’s done. Here are the benefits of this method.
  • Single point for login. You won't have to login and out of Google Apps to get to the other email address.
  • The email sent, and received will appear to be from the appropriate domains.
  • The email account, and contents, remain the property of the company that owns the domain. ALL of the correspondence is stored in the secondary domains inbox.
  • Should it become necessary to seperate the email addresses, there is no need to search, export, and import the emails from the primary domain. They stay intact in the original account. In fact, the email user, address, and password can be changed, with no loss of data.
  • You will only have one Profile per social or internal network. No need to constantly manage multiple profiles.
There are other benefits to this approach. Anyone that uses this approach will have their own. If you run into any issues using this method, then add your comments below. I’ll try to help if I can. I appreciate you taking the time to read this, and please feel free to share.

This Video will show you exactly how to solve this issue.

#GoogleApps #Solutions #Gmail #SendAs #Email #StanBush
