Add A Widget To Blogger's Content Area

How To Add A Widget To Blogger

Thanks For The Request
I appreciate it when someone asks me "How To" do something. Especially when it's something I know how to do. This tutorial was suggested by E-Rella from
he didn't ask me to create a video, but she gave me such nice compliments on one of my other tutorials, I decided to make this for her!  I hope you find it helpful too!

Thanks For The Request
I appreciate it when someone asks me "How To" do something. Especially when it's something I know how to do. This tutorial was suggested by E-Rella from
he didn't ask me to create a video, but she gave me such nice compliments on one of my other tutorials, I decided to make this for her!  I hope you find it helpful too!
If you'd like to request a tutorial, go to and you'll find a form there to contact me. Just tell me what you'd like to see, and I'll do it if I can!
