Free Images for Blogs - Travel Coffee Book

Tavel Coffee Book - Free Images

Free Images for blogs is easy to find. Just search for Free Images, and you'll get a whole list of sites. GREAT looking free images for blogs isn't quite as easy. You can spend hours on it. The purpose of this series is to review some of these sites. While you may be coming here from a single link,
this link will give you all the reviews I've done so far. Here are my thoughts about the Travel Coffee Book Site, which is where the image above came from. And before I forget it,  here's a link to the coffee shop this is from Soloist Coffee Shop

It's Not All About The Coffee

In fact, there's more pictures that are NOT about coffee. The reason I selected this one is because I love coffee. And I love it from a technical viewpoint. That doesn't mean that I prepare it technically. I just have an appreciation for this type of equipment.

Yoda, Niagara Falls, and Oregon Windmills

As I said, there are images on many subjects. All of them are, in my opinion, very good. The one of Yoda in Singapore is especially good. I also thought Niagara Falls and Oregon Windmills were exceptional. Not just because of clarity, but because of the composition themselves.

Tumblr As A Delivery Vehicle?

Travel Coffee Book is a Tumblr site. I've had an account there for years, but I've not really used it. (Sorry Tumblr). But I've always heard good things about it. This particular blog may have me taking a different look at it. Not because of it's complexity, but because of it's apparent ease of use. It looks like everything is integrated. And it looks like everything is working. I didn't have one single failed link when I visited it. And I spent some time on it. Once I understood what the 'Message, Follow, and Dashboard" links were, I thought they were very useful. There's also a very easy 'Embed" process there that allows you to embed the image that you're looking at. 


I could spend all day talking about the site. In my opinion, it has everything that makes a site useful.  Easy navigation, great pictures, super fast loading, and featuring high resolution pictures that can be used for free. There weren't any nag ads. In fact, I think you'll have to look closely to find them. 
So go ahead... visit Travel Coffee Book the next time you're looking for impressive free images. 
