What's In My Google Profile?

What's In A Google Profile? 

What does Google know about me?
     Have you ever wondered how much information Google has about you, your shopping habits, and the places you visit on the Internet?  You've heard that they watch everything, record everything, store everything and share everything that you do.  I can't say that for sure, but I have wondered 'what exactly are they keeping?"    Have you ever thought about how interesting it would be to get your hands on what they have?  Maybe take a look to see what it is that they know about you...the most interesting person on the planet?  Well now you can do just that.   It may sound like some sort of Food on the run place, but it's far from it.  This is serious data folks.

The Google Data Liberation Team

The Data Liberation Front is an engineering team at Google whose singular goal is to make it easier for users to move their data in and out of Google products.  They do this because they believe that you should be able to export any data that you create in (or import into) a product.  They help and consult other engineering teams within Google on how to "liberate" their products.  This is their mission statement:
Users should be able to control the data they store in any of Google's products.  Our team's goal is to make it easier to move data in and out.
Google Takeout is a Data Liberation platform that makes escaping from Google products as easy as possible.  Takeout lets you take your data out of multiple Google products in one fell swoop. Moreover, you’ll find that all your data is in portable and open formats‚ so it’s easy to import to other services quickly. 

So much for the Evil Empire eh?  
Just for the record... it looks like currently my file is hitting at about 5 Gig.  Multiply that by the number of people that use Google and think about how large those server farms must be!